pretty bog standard kirby game - generally high quality work, great level design (albeit a bit easy) and a great artstyle but floaty controls and a total lack of innovation

the fact that this is so incredibly focused on multiplayer yet somehow managed to release without online support is a travesty. i'd cut it some slack if this was the original version but in TWENTY TWENTY THREE? no online on THE SWITTY? unacceptable and criminal

i will however cut it some slack for being piss easy as its clearly meant to be babbys first videogame, considering the title throwback to the first kirby with the same mission statement of being for total n00bz, and how many people with a wii had never held a controller before - but to be honest, i'd rather give gamgam a gameboy advance

fair's fair though - kirby is round in this one

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2023
