63 Reviews liked by minaah

Outstanding and fun gameplay as well as containing very funny moments when launching enemies off the cliffs with a simple kick.

Unfortunately, the incredibly generic and boring story elements make it a hard case for it being great.

Since it brings out interesting gameplay but boring story and environments I can't really enjoy it as much as I wish I did.

I swear every single time this game tried to go all "HUMAN BAD, NATURE GOOD" cracked me up, not because I disagree with environmentalism or anything, I just think they did this in an incredibly silly and heavy-handed way here. It's weird because Chrono Cross was released by the same company that made Final Fantasy VII, that game also had environmentalist themes except they were much better handled and more relevant to the plot compared to Chrono Cross' story being this convoluted mess that tries to be a lot of different things but doesn't excel at any of them in particular.

That being said, I do think there are some good isolated moments in the story, the battle system is fun and the sheer atmosphere evoked by the gorgeous art coupled with one of the most beautiful video game soundtracks of all time make this worth playing at the end of the day.

baby's first postmodernism game. The drama doesn't work because it's so halfhassed, the horror doesn't work because it's really cheap and generic, the dating sims elements don't work because none of the characters are fleshed out enough and the parody elements don't work because it's not funny. at least the art is cute