63 Reviews liked by minaah

is the grand twist and reason for such acclaim supposed to be that at some point it stops being complete shit, my weeb friends? :)

Second best game made in Germany.

While not a bad game, parts of it simply don't live up to its mainline predecessors.

The idea of the Stars of Destiny being spread throughout time is a cool idea, but the execution left a lot to be desired. With multiple stars not even being seen at all throughout the game, it's disappointing. The game is also a bit slower-paced and easier than other Suikoden titles.

Still, it's a perfectly serviceable game with some interesting moments, especially in the story.

never7 was bad, but at least it didn't make me read about the characters eating tuna sandwiches 10,000 times over

this is the single most effective piece of conservative propaganda ever created

get the fuck away hatsune miku

I guess I can see why someone whos played a bunch of these games might love it but it feels so paper thin as an excuse to tie a bunch of disney movies together as loosely as possible. Nobody has any real characterisation, the Heartless' entire explanation is "theyre evil" so theres zero stakes to anything, the disney segments are just awkward reenactments of the movies because obviously disney arent going to let you do Anything with their IPs that would contradict their merchandising plan, and so on. It feels beholden to its premise in such a way that it cant get going whatsoever, because its constantly having to kiss bob igers ass instead of develop its own identity. absolutely maddening.

The manga is so much better. Flame champion was a bummer.

They weren’t joking when they said the love-de-lic, jrpg, sudaheads wouldn’t like the linear action over-the-shoulder AAA Jim Ryan Sony game

overbrightened the visuals, and has tacky gradient lighting in spots. the original ps2 version has a great muted-yet-colorful look going on with all of its soft mid-tones. i also hate the weird revisionist-history mascotified redesign of the prince that has bled over to merch. its a shame that this is the only rerelease of this game--and i'm surprised no one has done a "original game restoration mod" in the same way that sonic adventure 1 and 2 have

Successful Kickstarter campaign. Press accolades. “Overwhelmingly Positive” reviews on Steam. Fun voice acting, fun humor, fun art style, fun fun fun – I GET IT. I'm supposed to love this game.

But I don't.

I don't like the cluttered levels whose coherence is found only in endless collectible trinkets ala DK 64. I don't like the player character whose lone personality trait is sticking out her tongue at passerby's. And I don't like how the murder mystery train is the best stage through clever writing instead of clever game design.

We have enough theme parks – give us worlds.

it's been so long since i've played this but every time i think about it, i'm just reminded that it reminds me of everything i dislike about modern AAA gaming from the 7th generation onward. video game for people who can't appreciate a video game unless it tries to be an oscar award winning movie