Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 26, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Played two missions. The first one was an escort mission, where your AI companions keep dying and failing the mission for you. The second also starts with AI companions, but they didn't die on me, so I dunno if they're vulnerable in that one. But there's a different problem there: I kept running out of health. Had to save-scum through it. In the original game enemies constantly drop health packs, but not here for some reason. I found a couple of big health packs hidden in a house towards the end of the on-foot portion of it. Then there was a turret section, which was just one of the worst turret sections I've ever played. You have to do EXACTLY what they tell you and you still keep dying. Your comrades shout: "panzer on 6", so you turn around and there's nothing there. You turn a little to the left and in a couple of seconds it comes out of the fog, except by then it's too late, it one-hit kills you. You have to destroy these tanks with a lightning speed somehow, preferably before you can even see them. Not to mention there's all these soldiers running around with rocket-launchers and grenades, and your shitty anti-tank gun only kills them when you hit them directly. They have no reaction to the shock waves.

Anyway, I couldn't finish that mission, even on the easy difficulty. I don't know how well the rest of the game is made, but the first two missions were so bad, I have no desire to find out.