i remember playing this with my cousin and making him do the imprisoned quests with me so i could unlock ghirahim (i never did). not ashamed to admit that i was (AND STILL AM) down horrendous for volga and hw ganondorf

when i started this game i told myself i would get all the skulltulas only to abandon that quest when i had to find one in the bottom of the well. sorry skulltula family

white clouds is tedious and i wouldn't say the writing is GOOD, but after fates i was so relieved that this game is what it is. i do wish modern fire emblem would stop trying to tackle race though because it's handled horribly in this game

i'm not going to pretend like i'm not so mega attached to this game, but objectively it is bad. like it's bad to the point that i've dedicated like 3 years to trying to rewrite it and in the process it's just become my own thing. corrin has got to be one of the worst protagonists of all time

bad story is on the same level as conquest, but unfortunately the maps are worse and more boring

the 3 stars are for the gameplay. the story is so hilariously bad

the game that got me into fire emblem. i married frederick...
honestly, the game isn't that deep. it's a kind of standard fantasy with some time travel and an evil dragon, but it's fun and has a lot of replayability. the way plegia is handled is awful though, but you can never expect too much from fire emblem nowadays

it's been a long time since i played this but it was my first zelda game and i remember it being very good. the 2d/3d puzzles were really fun... switch port pleeeaaaase

it's fun but it's very very rough and very very ugly

i actually really love the environmental art direction of this game (wild area aside) and wish they had stuck to it for scarlet/violet. detrimentally linear story with no real sense of exploration until the DLC, which i enjoyed. the character writing continues to improve at the very least. HOP HATERS DIE BY MY HAND!!!!!!

for everything it lacked in story and character, it made up for in amazing features (PSS, super training, etc) that were immediately discarded in the next entry

i would play this during class when i was in my last year of highschool. it was fun

i am biased because this was my first ever pokemon game but i really do love it so dearly. i wish it had gotten a remake that did it justice </3

i never played r/s/e so i can't say whether or not it's a good remake, but i enjoyed it and the character redesigns are great. Erm... i liek mudkipz...?

i know i was supposed to play white2 because i played white but i got black2 because kid me wanted zekrom OKAY.

peak of the series though. i loved gen5 from the start FUCK everyone who hated it!!! gen5 you will always be famous