Fantastic exercise in atmosphere, and the end of the game is like a punch to the gut. Extremely formative for a young me. Half star deducted for the invisible maze level though

Despite the quality of life improvements in this sequel (grabbing ladders in midair, a more versatile jump, etc), I find that La-Mulana 2 doesn't grab me as much as the original. I appreciate the much greater amount of character writing in 2, but it doesn't focus on what I really want, which is more interaction between the three members of the Kosugi family, for the most part...oh well.

Plus, I played this when it came out and it was pretty buggy at first, so it's hard to separate my feelings about the game from that. Still, it's a La-Mulana game, so even though it wasn't what I personally wanted, it still is an exceptional work.

I wanted to like this so, so bad. I love the original NiGHTS. But Journey of Dreams makes several decisions that just make the game feel really half baked. Giving NiGHTS extended voice lines is a huge mistake, the series doesn't need Mario 64-style missions, and taking something that was a punishment in the original game (being forced to walk around as a human) and making it mandatory in the sequel is just baffling.

Also, some things that are charming in the original's blocky graphics are just embarrassing with modern graphics--like NiGHTS turning into a boat. Just, deeply unfortunate.

This game, along with a couple others in my life (notably La-Mulana), changed the course of my life. I doubt I would be the person I am if I had never played Silhouette Mirage. Sure, the controls are a little out there (who really needs upwards of ten different moves?), the difficulty is crazy and the voice clips are grating, but the character design and writing make up for it imo. Definitely worth playing at least once to see if you're into what it's putting down.

Oh I'm REALLY enjoying this one. Casual co-op action Vampire Survivors-alike based on a shitty old Sunsoft game? Count me in. It's so addictive and surprisingly well balanced, with a wide variety of roles and characters that are almost all useful in their own ways. Highly recommended.