8 Reviews liked by mordredsp

If there is no BPM fans, I am BPM's #1 Fan

i dont even know what to fucking say

if you disliked the ending for messing with the series, the writers did their job perfectly. i headcannon this game as real. i can never hear claire de lune the same way ever again. this game made me cry.

fun game but holy shit is it awful to control, not the best game/level design, notes reset when you die, rusty bucket bay...

but other than all that it was pretty fun and unique and some of the parkour and puzzles were really cool. loved most of the levels and the music was all really good, and for the most part the mechanics are fun when they work.

as someone who loves collectables and 100%ing games, this should theoretically be perfect for me, but the controls and gameplay are so finnicky, mainly the CAMERA, which makes me want to smash my computer

This game is better than Persona 5 and good luck convincing me otherwise.

they somehow made title drops cool as hell thats crazy

I played this while waiting for minecraft to be on discount