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Bad things about this game:
-Too much dialogue and radio calls.
90% of the random calls, dialogue or people talking is just filler and meaningless. You don't need to hear it. It just gives you a headache.
-Riddler storyline.
Which developer thought people would LOVE to collect 216 random "question marks" from the map to get to a boss fight and get Riddler in prison? Were there moments in your gameplay, when you open a door or enter a gate to realize the green" question marks" and puzzley shit around and leave that space because you just can't be bothered with it? I always had those. Fuck that. What a waste of time and energy. Not even fun.
-Storyline drags towards the end
Storyline loses its interest from a certain point. Depending a storyline on plot twists mostly isn't a good idea.
-Batmobile gets boring to use after awhile
Batmobile unfortunately isn't very versatile and doesn't bring much to the gameplay after a certain point. Fighting 60 tanks isn't fun.

Rest is good I guess. I don't know. These are stuff I disliked.