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Personally I have no previous experience with Overwatch, so I can't really compare it to the original one. Removing the first game completely still looks like a weak move, though.

I've been playing for a week or so, and I have to say it's been an OK experience. Playing with decent people will only make your game better (not better skilled players but better as in personality). Some players, especially in lower ranks, seem to have lost their mental health over fictional scores on a video game already. Like, I'm in bronze 4 (healer) rank right now and do I even care? My tank dives in 1v5, damage heroes have no dmg, healer is afk, and I have no apparent anger over them. I'm just here for the fun. Why isn't everyone? Writing "healer diff" or "trash team" won't change a thing. You lost, just get over it mate.

For the monetization system: All you had to do was copy + paste the monetization system of Apex Legends, and it would be perfect. Weird choice from Blizzard.

Also a game shouldn't need my phone number to work, but nah... Blizzard won't care any of these if the cash is rolling in.