2 reviews liked by mozzazzella

The roots of our communities are an intricate system, too large for any one of us to imagine. In every discovery of fresh soil, we find a long history of its breaking and in our investigation find those same roots again. They connect us all, they teach us lessons. They wrap around our necks, crawl around old bones. We perform dramas about escaping their hold or burning the whole tree but these roots remain. Sooner or later, someone's bound to find our choices in the soil.

very gay, very camp - what if you got child-abused by your mommie dearest (in a terrible wig) because you were an interdimensional alien (read: kinsey 4.5) and then grew up and developed xenogenic psychosis from working for big pharma and dealing with your x-dimensional shadow self that wants to wear you as a skinsuit? and the whole time (barring bondage sex with your unhinged yandere side piece and normie not-gf gf), you just wanted to kiss your gay best friend even though (tragically) he's just not that into you? mwah chefs fuckin kiss that's good fuckin shit