4 reviews liked by mpdhssbm

I've never played a game that utilizes its simplicity so effectively. One of my favorite sound tracks and settings menus. Absolute hidden gem.

This game is for autistic people what league of legends is for manic depressives

I quite enjoy the concept of creating your own champion, and found playing dress-up with champion "Lissandruo" (Lissandra and Yasuo) to be nearly as entertaining as the game itself, however I was banned for cheating in my desired fashion.

Many of the champions are very difficult to pilot, and I couldn't figure out how to move properly. Q and E are abilities, but R is reload, and W seems to be only movement key. Right clicking on a location does NOT work, and instead either zooms you in or fires your gun. I have found no consistency in which of these options the game seems to choose. Over all, it's only saving grace is the voice-lines, which admittedly, are quite awesome :)