The great characters, their witty banter and their story arcs really elevate this game. But perhaps you could enjoy all of that in a YouTube cutscene compilation and skip the dreary level design and absolutely uninspired combat. Parts of the gameplay feel rooted in late 90’s action games like Rebel Assault; Insta-fail on rails space shooter segments especially. Whoever designed the appalling sliding sections between combat encounters (there are so many of them!) needs their Game Design licence revoked.

I enjoyed it for a couple of hours; it's a cute take on a Match 3 game with a fun tongue in cheek story. Didn't enjoy some of the final puzzles with punishingly difficult timers though.

Oof this was irritating. Matching really ugly audio samples with trial and error gameplay. Presentation is very nice, but this was just unpleasant to actually play.

What if we took the Mario Paint music editor except we made it intentionally obtuse with no instructions?


Such a lovely story told in a really novel way. I played it over two weeks checking in once or twice a day with the sound on max volume. The music is fantastic and I highly recommend looking the soundtrack up on Youtube.

I'm counting the seconds until I can play this game for the second time; and it's coming up to five years at this point. I want to forget as much as possible so I can try and relive it again for the first time.

Great execution of a very simple arcade surfing game that uses the crank. I severely lack the skill to get good at this game but I can see that those that love mastering tricks and timing in skating/snowsports games would love chasing a high score in this. Great introductory game to give to a first time Playdate player.

Amazingly clever and delightfully crafted mash up of Wordle/Sudoku/Crosswords. Zach Gage continues to delight with his reinventions of classic game genres and mechanics. The attention to detail with the animations, control options and sound effects are phenomenal.

I played it pretty intensely every day for a couple of weeks but fell off pretty hard all of a sudden — but having trouble pinpointing exactly why. I basically didn't feel as compelled to play every day like I do with Wordle or a Crossword — maybe I'm already playing too many similar things each day, but I did also start to feel like the puzzles and words felt very similar each day.

Possibly an artifact of algorithmic puzzle generation? Although not sure how exactly the puzzles are made for all the different modes.


So wonderful! A difficult Zelda-like with absolutely charming character design and music. I said “squeeee” a lot while playing this, and I’m a boring middle aged dude, so I think that communicates how adorable this game is. The final secret puzzles are hilariously obtuse so umm, maybe watch a YouTube video to unlock the true ending. It’s worth it, much “squeeeee”.

I finished this 20 years ago and it’s interesting coming back to it again much later. In many ways it has aged a lot, and there’s a lot of terrible character dialogue to suffer through to get to the gameplay of each level. But I also intended to only play one level a few weeks ago, but keep picking up my GBA to play another one every few days. So it can still absolutely get its hooks in you.

Beautiful pixel art, haunting music and a pretty addictive little RTS-lite gameplay loop. It got its hooks into me pretty well and I played maybe 8-10 hours of it, but don't really feel compelled to keep playing as it starts to feel a little repetitive and grindy.

I absolutely love this game but really struggled with the difficulty spikes of some of the bosses and sadly decided to shelve it.

Loved the first act of this game but felt it maybe dragged a little in the last two, despite introducing some more great mechanics. Still have to award it five stars purely for its incredible atmosphere and meta game tomfoolery.

An incredibly stylish and unique game unlike anything I’ve ever played. The card cheating techniques are well taught as they increase in complexity, and do contribute to a growing sense of mastery as you progress through the game. I found myself struggling with executing some of the advanced game techniques due to having a poor short term memory; you do need to be good at memorising instructions and also have lightning quick reflexes for many sections. The story is engaging and the art style and music absolutely a huge highlight.

I ran into a very unfortunate bug that prevented me from completing the last 45 mins of the game, and ended up watching the ending on YouTube. I honestly didn’t mind this as I would have struggled with the difficulty anyway. A very memorable game overall.