When I spoke about hotline miami 1 and 2 it was mostly about the story and the moral of it, not how crazy is the gameplay.

I played a lot of top-down shooters similar to hotline miami, but this one was a surprise to be sure, and it was free to pick up so that's always cool.

In this game you have to know how to PEEK, and the most important how to avoid being shot. (and also reflexes)

One hit and you are done, you have to restart the level just like any hotline miami game-like.

I like the sceneray, western theme fits this game a lot, i'm surprised that I didn't found a top-down with the game of cyberpunk 2077 yet lol.

Also getting achievements is fairly easy, you have to play the game and by progressing you will get tons of achievements.

Some cons should be that the game is too short and the story is very forgettable.

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This game simulates the nature and the vibe of it pretty well, one thing about the length of the game is that you can speedrun it just like minecraft by farming a bit of food and utilities from the caves.

The co-op is fun and amazing, the ai is a bit weird when it comes to animals and cannibals but that's okay, the last boss is pretty hard but you always respawn near the location.

The story is simply about a man who wants to save his kid but finds out deep in the caves a lab that transformed people in cannibals so yeah, heard it has 2 endings I did the good one so yep, also played co-op with 2 other friends but mostly it was only me and the other mate so yeah.

Won't spoil anymore, if you want to take your time to farm and make a fortress that's okay I was interested in the story.

The ultimate showdown of crashing cars, there's no story but just straight up action, some races can be difficult because of the map and basically any object can kill your 1st.

I should really try flatout 2 now... after finishing corpse party flatout 1 is really what I needed.

First of all, i'm not really familiar with these type of games, i love top down games but shooters mostly, the 2021 unity version is buggy as hell btw.

The story can really catch up to you, you understand the characters and you might have favorites after the game, the gore is there (and plenty as well) you can feel the horror atmosphere and I love how the school changes after the earthquake.

I'm not a big fan of horror, but this game has content aswell with extras, and the main chapters can take up to 9 hours if you don't fail, this game is pretty long for a top-down.

Overall the story is here, the characters are unique, the soundtrack is great btw, and the amount of piss kink is plenty.

Great concept, i'm not that guy who plays a ton of bhop and surf but I honestly think this game is pointless because cs2 will take the surf and the bhop community first, i'm not against this game i love the concept but now i think it's pointless.

Worth to play both the games, great soundtrack, great gameplay for 2 top-down shooters.

Had a disc with it and with the second game, personally I loved the second game but this one was good aswell even tho the second game got more content.

I heard bad things about it but overall i'm happy that the hd gets a dlc expansion and it was alright.

A short expansion dlc for ss3, not bad.

Tormental isn't my tea, and I think it will never be.

Well, the gameplay is simplistic an action roguelike with a top down view with a lot of content and power-ups and different classes like netricsa and many more with a random generated dungeon everytime you die, but where's the shit part in the whole game?

That was a lot more fun than collecting key cards - Serious Sam
In reality, if you are a gamer who strives to see the sweet ending screen when the dopamine hits you like your father when you butchered a simple math problem well you will not find it here, in order to finish this game you need 50 damn keys and you don't wanna know how much that will take and being a rogue-like that won't help either way.

Lied, stabbed even
This sounds very dramatic but beware, YOU will NOT finish this game in 2 HOURS, howlongtobeat.com will tell you otherwise that yes you can finish it but in reality it is not like that at all, you have to collect mental's keys and that takes a lot of damn retrying and dying until you are fully drained ready to sleep in your couch, and yes being a rogue like genre it makes it even harder. Completing full on loops only to collect 33 or 50 keys or whatever to be able to finish the last boss is something insane and this game is a hidden challenge, and don't push yourself man, there's only one full playthrough of this game so yeah please don't bother too much.

But I'm a story completionist, what should I do?
If you want to grow white hair, go ahead but personally I would rather have this game only for digital collection sake.
And to be honest, if you want to have some fun enable the developer console via fearless cheat engine scripts, it's more fun than trying to finish this game.

Very complex and large game for it's time, I would suggest the unity mod to play it nowdays.

Literally 9+10 game but people actually think is 21

Finished all the halo games till 4 and I STRONGLY RECOMMEND THIS.