5 reviews liked by nagi

I like the part where the funny autistic girl talks about having brain tumors

I learned a lot about the world out there.

This is the first game I’ve ever beaten, absolutely magical experience I had with this one. This is the most well rounded zelda game, with just quality all throughout. This game means so much to me and I love the growing up journey you experience!

Finally a Kirby game that doesn't thirst for my blood, much fun

This game is cruel, if this game was a person I think they would beat my wife and leak my IP address...
But like Kirby himself I used the power of wanting to sleep and murder in the thrid degree to beat this game before it could break me.
I've seen some shit today, anyways 6/10 probably didn't get brain damage
good night

This game nearly broke me.
Not only did the last one physically assault my loved ones and leak my ip address, but this game just has it out for me.
If it could I think this game would murder me in cold blood irl

Anyways, the game design left a lot to me desired but me and my mate had a jolly time, 4/10.