6 reviews liked by neithernora

The cliff face/boooom is important, yes, but I feel further attention should be paid to the track editor; notably, making the smallest circle track possible, putting max CPU riders, and attempting to drive-through the clusterfuck.

On the surface it seems to be just a silly little game about smashing an office with your hammer but quickly becomes something more than that. But also it's got some real good hammerfeel to it. I could just smash that shit all day, to be honest.

Lego 2K Drive is such a fun take on the genre, but for a full priced game it has worse microtransactions than you'd expect from a free to play one, making the experience far more grindy than It should be.

Why does a Silent Hill game have a pun in it’s title

Very mediocre story, characters, and animations but fluid gameplay that does better than all previous titles in the IP

i gave this a chance i really did but all of the characters are so insanely boring to me. how do you have a mass effect game with bad characters. that likes the whole thing with mass effect