Reasonably enjoyable, but disappointing.
- Excessive quippy dialogue that becomes annoying fast.
- Unnecessary padding that goes nowhere.
- Serviceable, but flawed, combat.
- Some nice visuals and cool moments.
- A story that tries to cram in too much.
- A decent game, but a soft 7 to its predecessor's hard 9.

Easily one of the funniest games I've played.

Absolute train wreck. First game I can remember being legitimately upset over how bad it was. It's a confusing jumbled mess of concepts that sound cool, but don't function in the slightest.

I remember liking it but maybe I was a fool as a child.

I remember it being a fairly fun time despite being a broken mess of a mismanaged game. Not enough content and some serious balance issues, but it also had some real promise.