I honestly believe this game doesn’t receive all the attention it deserves. Probably, it’s because it was launched on GmaeCube and not on more popular PlayStation/Xbox. The game, however, is one of the best titles of its generation. The way the story is served is unique. I like how it embraces many epochs and shows how evil plans can be prepared over the centuries. The fighting mechanics are pretty funny at first. Chopping the enemies' heads and hands entertains you for a few first hours but then you either run towards the enemies to get to the interest point faster or smash them into heads like it’s Morrowind. Focusing on enemies is kinda of laggy imo, and it’s another reason to not partake in fights. Also, it destroys the shooting mechanics. Shooting is not so “juicy” in this game, so I prefer melee combat. The camera angles are pretty disturbing as well. There’s a semi-fixed camera in this game and sometimes you just can’t see your enemies. Wrapping up, I’d recommend this game to everybody interested in 2000’s videogames. It’s 4/5 from me.

I had this game when I was a child but it was on Japanese, so I had no idea about many aspects of it. Now, I can play it on emulator, and game is pretty awesome. There's a plot, and each level ends with a small cartoon. The jokes are childish but cute. The game is pretty easy, except for the last levels that are pretty challenging. It's 4/5 from me.

I really liked the first Alan Wake game and as far as I remember, everybody considered it a so-so game. All of a sudden, everybody likes the second part and claim it the 2023 game of the year. IMO it's pretty boring. As much as I liked the True Detective-ish first hours of the game, I don't like everything that comes after we play as Alan Wake. It was boring as hell. It's 3/5 from me.

This game just accidentally popped up in my memory as one of these childhood memories. Back then, I thought it's one of the best games ever. After completing it, I think this might be true. One of the best NES games imo. Despite pretty simple design, it has very enjoyable gameplay and the music is so awesome. The levels are pretty simple, except the last one, but the challenge is fair. It's 4.5/5 from me.

It's one of these games I call "a quest for those who don't like quests". There's a small set of locations where you solve some low-to-mid complexity puzzles to get another piece of a story. The story itself is okay-ish and pretty mysterious. Probably not the best choice to play start to finish if you're not a fan of quests and puzzles. For me, it was an excellent choice to fill work breaks.

As Gordon Ramsay would say "It's f**king raw!" It's a shame that Konami destroyed PES and this is the best football game at the moment.

It's a pretty nice quest for a game made in 48 hours for some gamedev hackathon. Not good, not terrible.

I was overhyped for this game. It was my first mistake. Buying it was the second one. I didn’t like the brown boring corridors that were like 90% of the game. The plot is not so intriguing also. We’ve seen multiples stories like this one, and if you investigate all the alternative routes, you’ll know what happened on this jail planet pretty quickly. Most of the screamers are predictable. They’re annoying, not scary. There’s nothing unique about the game. Sometimes it wants to be Dead Space (duh), sometimes it’s Doom, and sometimes, it’s Resident Evil. However, fights with multiple enemies are pretty enjoyable sometimes. I like the “juicy” shooting. Also, the upgrade system looks pretty nice, with this 3D printer and stuff. In conclusion, it’s like Dead Space, but there’s no space, so it’s just dead. It’s 2.5/5 from me.

It's good to come back to the classics once in a while. Unfortunately, I don't have as much time for it as I had in my childhood. Therefore, I save scummed and I don't feel ashamed. It's 4/5 from me.

That's a classic that brings to life many old memories. The only disappointment is the boring final boss. It's 4.5/5 from me

It's a game for those who wants to chill for a couple of evenings and loves the 80s that never existed. You know like purple neon and retro wave kind of stuff. I liked the idea of interactions with the world from the studio but it has some unrealized potential imo. The story itself is a mediocre trashy horror, so don't expect too much. Puzzles are pretty easy to solve if you pay attention. I don't like the controls, for example, the dialog window appears in a specific area and when I looked in another direction, I missed a QTE. Which is not good. I liked the references to classic horror movies. Buy it on sale, and you won't regret. It's 3.5/5 from me.

I spent approximately 3 hours on this game only to entertain myself during short breaks. It's one of the dumbest games ever. Some puzzles can be solved by randomly clicking certain objects, some of them indeed have inner logic. People say this game is pure comedy gold, but in my opinion most of the gags aren't funny at all, they're just "situations". However, the games is pretty cheap, so the amount of fun I get for my money seems fair. It's 2.5/5 from me.

This game is a masterpiece (kind of). I like the artsy style and some visual findings. The story is quite good but it lacks any revelations so to say. The only thing that bothers me is clunky controls. It/s 4/5 from me.

It's a pretty interesting concept and I've had a unique experience while playing this game. It's sometimes creepy without any jump scares, which is a big plus for the developers. What ruins the overall experience for me is some technical issues. The closer you to the end, the more frequent the game crushes ruining the atmosphere. Plus, the final titles weren't triggered properly. It's 4/5 from me.

In space, no one can hear your "Fus Ro Dah." It's 3/5 from me.