After hearing so many good things about this game I decided I finally had to check it out for myself, I had no idea what it was about apart from a few characters and some of the soundtrack, so this was completely fresh for me going in

I enjoyed it for the most part. Gameplay was simple, the characters were great, and the music really carried so much of this game. The story was ok, it just left me not knowing what to do half the time, the game doesn’t really guide you that much unless you are in combat, so I was basically wandering around aimlessly until I stumbled upon the next part of the story.

But I had fun, and while the combat could be difficult at times, I felt that it wasn’t too difficult, I know I can take other routes where it will be more challenging, but I’m happy with the difficulty here, it was a challenge but it wasn’t impossible. The music tho.. such a great job. Glad I finally checked it out, I can see why people are so hyped about it, even if I don’t fully feel all of that hype myself

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2023
