Played this game way too much when it first launched. My 16 year old self was enthralled by the artstyle, the combat, the beauty of the world. I could not put this game down despite exams being around the corner. Mondstadt was a calming experience with much to explore. Liyue was a breath of fresh air with how bustling the city was, and how diverse the landscape was with towering peaks and gaping chasms. The storyline was entertaining enough to keep me reading, and with just enough light-hearted interactions to give me a chuckle. It seemed like the perfect game.

However, combat slowly becomes too annoying and unsatisfying when you don't have all the latest units, yet enemies become excessively tanky or just unfair with their placement. The gameplay has too little variety, despite the devs adding a considerable amount of content and characters to obtain.
The gacha in this game is too unforgiving, with most players requiring 70 pulls for a chance at obtaining their desired character. This is not even mentioning how horribly stingy this game is with their premium currency, barely sparing 10 pulls for their 1st anniversary.

All of the above reasons led me to quit even when I found Inazuma, as an area, fairly fun to play through. This game deserves to be popular, but just not my cup of tea anymore.

Simple yet refined combat system, is easy to pick up yet hard to master. The game caters to many playstyles. Bosses are varied and interesting to fight. Perfect game and suitable for beginners and experienced veterans alike.

Exploring this game will scream how much passion has been put into it. It's love for metal and hard rock has been woven into every aspect of gameplay.

The world is absolutely beautiful despite its limited graphics due to the art direction being inspired by many metal album covers and lyrics. The story and dialogue is pretty corny but it is reminiscent of old 70s movies. The gameplay is fairly clunky with the RTS and hack-n-slash components not blending well together, but I can appreciate what they were going for with the rhythm-based hack-n-slash with guitar riffs.

Most importantly, you can never go wrong with the music. All the music are either songs from famous rock/metal bands or originals from legendary artists. This game is what got me into metal as a music genre.

I certainly do not regret exploring and playing this game. It completes its objective in making you feel like a rockstar in a metal world. It's simply awesome.