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Only one play session so far but seems like a really sick game , I will definitely beat it and write a formal review

Really happy for the dev and everyone at bigmode for all the attention this one has been getting!!

The video essays have finally convinced me to give this one a shot,

It’s nice that my shitty old laptop runs it at 150 frames

Will keep you posted

it’s crazy how this game came out slightly before Skyrim and yet does so many things soooo much better. I feel like it simultaneously feels more and less dated in terms of the world and overall presentation of the game in some ways..

I’ve never really understood people who complained about blackreach, and I know for a fact that they have never been to blighttown. It really does make Skyrim look like a game that was build for babies (which it is but I guess that just makes me a baby)

It’s also INSANE…!!!!!!…!!!.!.!.!!!
that we have gotten ds2, 3, bloodborne, sekiro AND Elden Ring which are all masterpieces of games in their own right that are incredibly fleshed out and surpassingly impactful and innovative each in their own ways while we have seen NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE WHATSOEVER from the elder scrolls in this time… actually blows my mind it just isn’t close at all. From/bethesda are not even close to being on the same level , honestly just sell the elder scrolls IP to someone who actually cares, or just wait around until the Skyrim modders just make it themselves

Maybe I will give it a 10 once I finally beat it someday. This game has certainly made me understand where Skyrim falls short as a game. Dark souls maybe the most unmatched dark fantasy atmosphere of all time.

9/10 I’m gonna go play morrowind