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The riding mechanics make sense when you see the making off and hear them talk about how they sat on a horse the first time for research purposes and then never again.
It's a bit frustrating to say the least. Either Wander is a shit rider (then how did he do all these tricks on that goddamn horse?!) or the game designers really didn't enjoy their riding lesson. I know what I pick.

Anyway, I've done horrible things to that horse like all of us probably have just to see what would happen. Or because the mechanics sucked.

Maybe I had way too much fun to fall over the turtles, too... (it's cute bc they retreat into their shell if you do it right!)

Beside that is a gorgeous game that thanks to its open, mostly barren world, lack of soundtrack (unless in the fights and cutscenes) and well used camera gives you the feeling of being tiny and lonely in a way I haven't experienced in a game since playing SotC.

The Soundtrack is gorgeous and really pushed adrenaline through my body maybe because it was so rare to hear music in that game: The times WHEN you hear it suddenly matter more. There's a reason it's one of the few OSTs I not only on CD but also on Vinyl.
I mean - beside that fact that the LP looks great and I get to feel pretentious for a minute.

You have to kill white tailed lizards though and those bastards are slippery af. The controlls are something one has to get used to but it's well worth the experience.
At least, it was for me.