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This is peak Assassin's Creed.

From the "press X" screen to the end, this game is way more fire than I thought it would be.

It's actually kind of brilliant.

You START as an assassin. Just right off the bat. Which makes way more sense for the story, but still. It's just nice to not have to wait until you get the blade and clothes in the second act.

I didn't know that this was another Abstergo Entertainment story 'cause I thought Black Flag was the only one like that, but I am more than happy to welcome it back. I actually rose up out of my chair and shouted when I realized. And it's even way better than Black Flag's. Pretty much everything is better than Black Flag.

I find the sea environments a bit more intriguing, and cool to look at, even though it doesn't have Black Flag's warm and colorful aesthetic because this is a much grayer story.

The scuffed traversal from 3 was heavily improved in Black Flag and a bit more improved here.

Better boating? Better boating. It has better boating. Both the traversal and combat.

It's just better. And the direction of the actual game is the coolest in the series.

Literally having the 1755 Lisbon earthquake as a set-piece, and you causing it, is fucking brilliant.

All this said, this still sometimes (in the first half) feels very much like it was supposed to be a spin-off like Liberation and Freedom Cry. But it's still peak Assassin's Creed.

It might be my favorite Assassin's Creed story within a single game.

It's almost unfair to compare it to the Ezio games because the tech and the team have actually evolved so much in between that they can do so much more in this game.

Next to last mission MIGHT be my favorite mission in the whole franchise.

And I haven't played Unity yet, but I know the basics, like the setting and the main character's name, and I know how the game starts, and playing this last mission was a fucking trip! I'm telling you... PEAK!