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1 day

Last played

March 23, 2024

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So cute and full of character that I find it hard to be too critical. Most of my nitpicks stem from the combat and the writing, to varying degrees. I was reminded a lot of Tunic while playing - lots of Zelda DNA, a few splashes of Dark Souls here and there. To that end, I think a few of the combat encounters are designed with a Souls-like eye for challenge that doesn't particularly suit the speed of the game, although that could just be me.

Writing-wise, my feelings are mostly positive with a couple of niggling concerns. The capitalist critiques present in the narrative are more than welcome and add some nice texture to the game, and I quite enjoyed the dialogue from the wide cast of characters you meet on your travels. But there are a few places - namely the boss fights - where the writing felt a bit too first-drafty, and so the impact of their stories was more muted than I'd like. Plus I didn't know that this was a pseudo-sequel to Titan Souls, so the true ending landed like a total thud to me after all the work to get it.

I'm sounding harsher than my actual feelings would reflect, because on the whole I had a total blast here. The developers crafted something with a distinctive flavor and I'd love to see what they do next - either a direct sequel (which I would gladly welcome with this world) or a new experience that takes the lessons from this and builds on them to make something truly excellent.