Log Status






Time Played

50h 0m

Days in Journal

8 days

Last played

April 25, 2024

First played

June 28, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This review contains spoilers

I didn't have the DLCs when I first bought the game but since I saw that prices are continues to increase I thought should get them while they're on discount. so here I am, finished all...
as a story goes it had dumb ideas usually. those portals that beam you up or down was so annoying to find, like you have to turn around to find them or you should climb those big mountains or buildings, exhausting!
as a view and atmosphere I liked the places, they're beautiful in itself...
but I really don't think I'll return Hades' underworld again.

"seems like riches is valued even in the underworld!" - Kassandra
this was so ridicules to me that you put the money to underworld, and even more than real world!!
the other one was the gods and goddesses are always giving the same answers to you no matter what you choose in the options; that means you who created this thinks that even they're more stupider than humans!!
another thing that was stupid is that in Hades' underworld there was water areas in the caves, like cleaner than real world; everywhere is burning, rotting but we should put clean waters to the caves!! there are people who still deals with the plague in underworld, why? suffer more because you were bad person?!
Isu gods are selfish and worst than humans and can't do anything right, not for humans, not for themselves but nope, humans are bad, vile, they're trying to kill them for nothing. they should die again...