11 reviews liked by origamit1

Need a mindless game to play? This is the game for you.
you kill spiders with a range of unnecessary items.
Beat it in about 3 hours. Nothing Special

What seems like a simple concept devolves into abject chaos. The brilliant design philosophy gives you a set of tools and lets you loose in a selection of varied locations in which you are incentivized to decimate every living and non-living thing in the immediate area in the purest definition of the word: overkill.

I swear im looking over my shoulder every goddamn minute

Would be better if it had official multiplayer.

Good game I'm scared of the ocean I'm happy I got it for free

I still hear the words “multiple leviathan lifeforms detected” in my nightmares

I have played this game 4 times and each time I get to the 90% mark and drop it, incredible world to explore but game engine limitations take me out of the experience.
The story has too many plot-holes/contrivances to really make me care and the end mission being multiple fetch quests over and over makes me lose any desire to finish every time.