8 Reviews liked by patron

I don't understand the scores. It's not funner to kill enemies here than it is in CoD. Fuck this woke liberal video game.

0/10 Refunded & Gay.

Vampires are a thinly veiled metaphor for capitalists and they create colonial land ownership by extracting the crystallization of human labor called “blood essence” from workers.

If you want a discount MGSV, look no further. Its an ok game with vastly superior alternatives. At least the sniping is cool with the X-ray camera for an hour before it gets old.

Someone took a look at all the fun parkour and combat stuff in the first game and said "yes, what a sequel needs is a major focus on a branching narrative straight out of 2007 and all the fun stuff to be locked behind skill trees with not one, but two different currencies required to unlock them".

It does finally get back to the standard set by the original game but only in the final third of the game and honestly, I don't blame you if you sack this off many hours before you get anywhere near that. The juice just ain't worth the squeeze.


I haven't and probably will never play this but everytime i see the cover i mistake the machete for a microphone so it looks like the king's speech or something