closer to a 4 than a 6 + its the longest game ever made.
the game looks amazing but the pacing is horrible with puzzles that are uninteresting, tedious, repetitive and just feel like work. combat is fine, animations look great and have a lot of charme. death as a character is really cool and well portrayed but they dont really do much with him. the rpg-elements feel forced and boring such as the loot system which is just unnecessary.
overall there is just too much in this game that is uninteresting. for example the side quests that really fit the whole structure of the game.
go to character x because you need object y.
character x tells you that they have the object you need to progress and that they have no use for it at all but they will only hand it to you if you find 3 other objects for them. and each of these 3 objects is in a different dungeon. so now you spend hours and hours finding something you dont care about for someone you also dont care about. its hilarious.
or take a look at the fights.
the game lets you fight one new enemy and after you have defeated him you have to fight the same enemy twice with a few additional enemies.
same goes for the puzzles. they repeat the same puzzles so many times that werent even hard and/or interesting in the first place.
this game is an absolute mess and like i said probably the longest game ever made. at least thats what it feels like. the last time i played it was 9 years ago. back then i was 11 and i loved darksiders 2. but playing it now was so annoying and there were so many moments where i thought about quitting.
but i beat it and i can say its alright but i dont know if i can recommend it.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2022

1 Comment

3 months ago

Bro, exactly my thoughts after finishing this game... This game could've been so much better