1 review liked by paudamiariera

The game went from a smooth solid parkour combat trial and error experience, slicing up enemies and having to deflect bullets, some enemies having a charge attack (that you gotta be quick to parry), some being big robots shooting a big fuck off laser thats the size of a brick wall, some being exploding spiders, some having the ability to play "guess whos the real one" by multiplying via mitosis, and being able to manipulate, explode/push back these bastards, slice through em like butter, traverse via slow down, dashing and even riding drones downward, slinging yourself to edges or in the air, running on walls, etc., all while trying NOT to die in one shot, alongside a good OST by daniel deluxe that'll set the scene and get you into the mood..

To the very last mission being the most rage inducing bullshit and a huge test of my patience, not the boss fight which was serviceable, rather the wallrunning sequence in the "Cyber space" where you usually get your upgrades which aren't that bad until the finale. Where you have to dodge red balls coming straight for your ass, you CANNOT slice 'em and there's a fuckton coming at you while trying to hop on platforms.

That, having to take down shield balls in order to kill enemies and maybe the upgrade system of pick and choosing which chips go in via a tetris minigame, while cool, winds up holding the game back. I'd just go for the ones that made me go a bit more agile and deflect bullets so i could go through the game smoothly.

Story wasnt much to write home about, kinda knew where it was going given i played other games where you play as a killing machine commanded by an unknown almost untrustworthy entity who betrays you in the end, only i could name another game with that premise, that's also set in a cyberpunk dystopia and that was Ruiner.

When the last cutscene happen i was like "Oh yea there was also a rebellion going on, i had forgotten all about it". Especially when the more interesting tale was rather the intrigue on the ghostrunner "Jack" as you play as him and game explaining what was your purpose, who created you and those who are trying to stop you.

That being said, It is satisfying when you play it, and while its more of a fast runner/parkour type of game and not reliant on hefty weight like Mirrors edge or dying light, I'd say this is one of my favorite parkour games that i had slept on for too long. Despite that horrible final level that almost made me thought i had a skill issue and not the fact that the level is just plain bullshit and tedious to get through more than its worth.