3 reviews liked by persekarvaharja

I went into this game wanting to like it, going to the point of not watching any trailers or getting any information beforehand, and I did! At first. out of the 15 hours I played of this game, I only enjoyed the first 2. It is honestly shocking how they managed to make the tutorial the best part of the game. Litterally everything after the tutorial just feels like breath of the wild, a game I really like, but much worse. I genuinely cannot comprehend how this has such a high review score on every site

Yakuza in all but name; where Judgment excels is in its story. Even the best Yakuza entries inevitably devolve into a flurry of preposterous plot reveals and ripped off shirts, but Judgment just about manages to maintain narrative coherence right up to the end credits, delivering a wholly satisfying and unrelentingly grim murder mystery that kept me guessing until the end. I'd happily slot Judgment into my list of essential video game stories to be experienced, up there with the likes of Broken Sword, Grim Fandango, Silent Hill 2/Shattered Memories, The Longest Journey, Max Payne 2 and The Last Guardian. The story is that good.

buggiest game ive ever played. many many gamebreaking bugs. people say it has gotten better from the numerous patches they've released but I'm writing this on january 18th 2023 and its still a buggy mess. Ive fallen through the roads multiple times, crashed, gamebreaking bugs like one where my character couldnt move or shoot and none of the sound effects besides the music would work. Im on all high settings and the framerate is great because my specs are pretty good, so the issue is not that my computer can't run it, its just extremely buggy.