the gameplay is insufferable but a character has never altered my brain wiring as much as maki sonomura did and to vote this game as anything less than 5 stars would be an injustice to that

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don't worry hajime i'd want to kill myself if i was in this game too

this is where it all went wrong in my life

borderline personality disorder simulator

great game and awesome concept, knocked off a star for having way too many bad nsfw jokes and awful puns in the dialogue. not to mention you could grow a field with how corny that postgame ending was, it was a bit of a letdown imo

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will always have a special place in my heart but was the scene where a 9 year old gets r-worded really necessary

gaming peaked in 2015 with this game honestly


i mightve enjoyed it a bit more if i didnt predict every single plottwist before it happened. also the sex scenes were very questionable regarding consent and were overall uncomfortable to read + the writing in general was overly detailed resembling a wannabe author on wattpad

this game is about an incel getting bullied at school for being an incel and then committing the smt equivalent of a school shooting isnt that fucked up