Time travel is not alien to the world of videogames, let alone RPGs. Partners in Time though treats timeline shenanigans in a clever, weirdly somber and mature approach, considering the depressing and oppressive turn the game's story takes: it is now the Shrooms whom act as cruel and memorable villains in this story, having conquered the Toad Kingdom past.

Mario, Luigi, Mario Jr. & Luigi Jr. work well enough together as a team, but it's not as effective as in Super Star Saga: instead of using points to use combo attacks, they are now essentially items you can buy. Since money was never an issue in M&L games, you can see where the issue lies: the game's difficulty takes a nosedive each time a new combo item is introduced, making enemies' health bars just a matter of time, instead of strategic thinking. Platform sections and puzzles are fun enough, but despite having more bros, there's much less to do in terms of combo and exploration. I'll be blunt, the game takes a lot of steps forward in settings, story, characterization, with the four protagonists weirdly well characterized despite never speaking and Prof. E. Gadd stealing every scene he's featured in. The soundtracks also kind of rocks?

At the same time, it takes away a lot of ingenuity and platforming\puzzles from Super Star Saga, not taking real advantage of the dual screen if not for the occasional battle animation. It tries striking a balance between funny and emotional, which doesn't always land. To me it'll always be charming, but there's a lot of things to consider and wade through before getting to the "good stuff". Strong beginning, weak middle, padded ending but satisfactory experience don't make for a game I'd recommend easily.

In terms the average game journalist can understand, it's a A24-produced, genre-redefining, trope-subverting, 40 KB JPG atmospheric, dark and eerie, emotionally draining [...] game.

Playing the better Peach game made me realize how unlikely it was for us to get Super Princess Peach in the first place.

First things first: the game isn't plagued by gimmicky DS controls like half the early DS games, but it simply lets you control the princess' emotions, which play an important role in platforming: by getting angry, Peach can stomp; by crying, you can water plants and so on.

What's so special about this game though? Honestly, not much! The protagonist is cute and the idea is novel, but outside some outstanding levels (like the mansions), I don't really remember much about the game and the levels themselves. I'm sure it works and it controls well enough, controlling emotions is a cool idea and all but it simply cannot carry the game alone. It's an innocuous little game, with wonderful spriting might I add, about a role switch between savior and saved, but that's it.

I wish I had platform sections during my mood swings, but I digress.

I'll be brief.

Aren't hobbies supposed to pass time, instead of filling it? What it means to finish a game? Specifically, I almost never finish a game at 100% for lack of practicality, but if you consider the games I play, like Tactics Ogre, and their inane prerequisites for a 100% clear, you can see where I come from. One thing is achievement hunting, one thing is saying "yep, there's nothing else left". Hope I make sense.

Why then does Fire Emblem: Three Houses, or as the fans call it, 100% Walkthrough, ALL ROUTES, keep locking content behind routes? I understand the need to have a complex and definitive experience, with no clear canon, but the clumsiness and game design show another picture. There's three routes in the game, of which ... only one could be considered necessary. Repetitiveness of gameplay loop between monastery trips, fun for the first five minutes, and recycled battle maps can do only so much good for enjoyment.

I felt like I had to play this game just to be done with it and it's not a good indicator of enjoyment and fun. I stepped back, took a break from games altogether, came back last week and cleared all routes. It's frustrating, yes, because there's merit in it. There's a sparkle of good characterization, clear understanding of what makes a good Fire Emblem, but then it's snapped back to reality thanks to awkward choices.

Here's a couple examples:

- I feel like this game is bloated with content, while keeping to a single route and developing that single one Blue Lions would've done wonders, it would've addressed so many odd moments in the other routes as well. No spoilers, but if you know, you know.
- There was no need to choose the route to pick so early in the game. I hope you enjoy playing the same 10-12 chapters each new game!! when there's also BUILT IN a way to borrow units around your level. Huhhhh let me PLEASE have all units have that standard build and let me skip half the game please.
- Map design is barren. There are probably two or three good maps, and while other games in the franchise like Awakening like to at least present you a set piece, Three Houses really likes to put you through unimpressive ground and grass textures all the time.

These kind of flaws really shine through once you realize, in order to experience the full brunt of the game, you have to play through all three four routes. It leads to confusion, it leads to frustration; for goodness' sake choosing the Golden Deer faction because you like their characters (fair enough) is paramount to NOT understanding important plot points because it takes for granted that you've played the other two routes, and now you're ready for a third point of view.

I understand where the love for the game comes from. The soundtrack is stellar, the game's very accessible and the battles and classes are very hands-off, reward experimentation and being able to influence units' growth is also very fun. The characters and themes of the game give a lot of think about and offer interesting counterpoints to each other in their support conversations and there's no clear best or worst unit in terms of balance, characterization (except a very dull middle aged man) and build. Still, no reason to put permadeath when all characters are supposed to be important, but you do you, "Intelligent" System, this kind of game design doesn't incentivize iron man runs, at all.

I don't want to be bitter, I think I liked this game. I'll talk about the DLC in another review, at least I'll be able to skip all the monastery chicanery and jump straight to the maps, which made me not want to play the game ever again after 200 hours.

Playing Arknights in 2019 and now means having two completely different experiences. By now, threads and talkpoints are kind of taking their time being developed, in a never ending, as the cool kids say, yapping. They, them characters, do yap, in this game. If you're not willing to read, the game's main motif of interest is not for you.

Who knows what the future will hold, with gacha games being a commodity not in short supply and ending as soon as the interest wanes, but thematically we're kind of passing the baton to the new generation, thanks to events like The Rides to Lake Silberneherze but especially thanks to Lone Trail. Terra is a hellish place, but the writing does the place justice by offering different perspectives of what life means, what hope is, what different societies do with a never ending source of pain, Oripathy, which we, as a pharmaceutical company and defense contractor, do kind of offer solace from. 2024 might be an awkward moment to start playing this game, but its different events and a multitude of stories, characters and themes all intersecting and weaving their way towards the future have left a mark. Sometimes the writing's goofy, but when it hits, it hits, hard.

I have a hole School Idol Festival left; unwilling to let go, I was looking for other things to keep me busy, occupied, up at night when the sweet release of sleep from consciousness would not come, especially during hard times like the pandemic. Arknights is not a rhythm game, it's a tower defense game, awkward to play, not always clear in its intent and definitely not balanced. There are operators who are better than others and the odds are mostly stacked against newcomers.

I just hope this hole won't be left vacant, again. I wish I could be younger again and never instruct my neurons to hold information such as Texas mommy and Bagpipe lemmy, but here we are. It's my brainrot and I do, as I please, anything I want with it.

Also it's kinda fucked how Gummy, balanced and good in everything Defender operator, was replaced by Myrtle, a DP printing machine, in the beginners' case, this is a scenario where if anything is too broken, the designers have the moral obligation to break anything else to balance it out and cater content to a demographic, in this case redirecting the newcomers towards a certain frowned upon gameplay loop. Please just don't bother with the meta, there's a world of hurt there and the grind necessary to even glance the thing isn't worth it in my opinion.

Not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but hold on! It's not even that good.

Castlevania Legends has a cool protagonist design and a nice soundtrack.

... that's it. Everything else feels uninspired, unbalanced (since the first power-up you get is literally the best one) and mostly out of touch with what made the other GB Castlevania games good. There's no enemy variety and even if there was, they all walk and fly towards the player as their mastermind plan. There are forks in the levels, but you can be locked out of the good ending if you choose the wrong path even once! I love being locked out as soon as I start the game!

Adding that the gameplay itself is ok at best, sluggish and tedious at worst, it can be seen why Legends isn't beloved by many. I tried making it work, but it felt more like a roadtrip distraction, as it maybe it was meant to be, compared to an actual videogame.

Screaming, crying, yelling in pain and anguish over the most basic gacha card browser game getting axed because it's my thinly veiled and barely hidden fetish personality trait.

Jokes aside, I genuinely enjoyed the game for what it was, being a fan of the original franchise, but as it came out and it being almost instantly sold as a clone to other successful gachas, it was over. 2015-2016 was a time for browser games, not necessarily good but constitutive, at least.

Lest we forget, the Genshins and the Arknights' of today walk over the corpses of Monster Musume and the likes.

Under the sea, the primordial broth of ages ago, a small organism thought that one day he could do something, instead of just eating and being eaten. What is humanity, if not the struggle to break out of the animosity and cruelty of nature? What started as a simple fight for survival, it became something more.

"I will change the world!"

E.V.O. is the game of all time, for once not meant in a derogative way! It REALLY holds the entirety of existence and worth of life in its palm. I especially enjoyed the way evolution is portrayed, as a stats sheet, narratively and gameplay wise it makes so much sense it's unreal. It’s a short game, but the experience sticks with you on a fundamental level, doesn't overstay its welcome and, once finished, a piece of EVO will be stuck with you forever.

Off you go little man, become the paragon of virtue and love of all creation, against sin and all that is evil.

Very fun foray in what essentially is the first "proper" Touhou game, the game is immaculate in its presentation and design, still rocking after all these years, but it lacks all the QoL improvements the future games have (I wonder why). Reimu is stiffer to control and some patterns aren't as intuitive as others, which leads to frustrating sections of the game. It's less about pattern recognition and more about memory.

Still, to have such a clear understanding on level design, colors and characters is so inspiring, considering this game is older than myself. Playing through all the games, in chronological order, the respect I hold for ZUN keeps increasing. Fun, fun, fun.

This game has a syndrome called "different writers coming up with different ideas", which translates to some routes being vastly superior to others. I'm not saying which, but having one of the most interesting and funny characters not being a romantic partner and technically locked behind a bad ending left my mouth with a sour taste. You can see from time to time the writing take a nosedive and characters have different ways to interact depending on the route. It's not that noticeable, but with a VN incentivizing the player to read as many routes as possible and offering a percentage score, you can see where I come from.

Still, credit where is due, Katawa Shoujo has a relatable main protagonist with great agency in Hisao, a young man coming to terms with his disability, and accomplishes where many other amateur productions fail: to tell a series of stories and show characters that live not despite of illnesses but through them, in a human light, with the writing sometimes really shining and giving the reader food for though.

It is also free and offers a lot to the table, between gorgeous CGs and music, so there's no reason to not give it a try.