Log Status






Time Played

9h 25m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 4, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership



Released on : GameBoy
played on : PC (Mesen)

What i liked :

I was looking foward to playing this one, hoping it would be a improvement at the so-so first game, and in some aspects it very much is.

once again venturing with a fan map to guide me through its smaller dungeon felt just as fun.

the planet is a bit smaller, and thats not a bad thing, its done before it becomes infuriating.

i like samus more chunky armored look, everything got that little unf in the height and art area, even the power ups received an upgrade, tho some are a bit clunky to use, and the beams still are worthless at the final boss.

i like how the creatures evolve, tho it comes to bite my ass at the end.

ThE bAbY !

What i didn't liked :

this is indeed an improvement of the first game but by god, some areas got even worse, you can and will softlock yourself in some areas if you don't have enough missiles or health to deal with it.

the last form of the metroids can go touch grass, how are people supposed to deal with it.

the bigger sprites do look nice, but they come at the expense of the camera sometimes hiding things coming straight towards you most of the time.

Overall : This is an improvement to the first game but still a meh experience that if you don't seek outside help like a map or guide, it will give you a very hard time, its frustrating but not in a fair way, but i somehow can't bring myself to dislike it like i do for the first game, both i respect, but don't have to enjoy, if that makes any sense, this one i like a bit better however, i can't wait to try super metroid and the remakes, specially AM2R