a árvore de natal da porra manda você esfaquear esquartejar pinicar cortar tudo e todos e isso é muito foda

puppet combo mostrando sua maestria em vários gêneros diferentes


esse jogo era muito foda de jogar na aula de informática no click jogos escondido da professora fdp, ela achava ruim q o cara cagava e mijava nas pessoas e mandava fechar o jogo, eu devia ter cagado nela

acaba ficando legal quando você fica bom o suficiente em jogar de trynda com uma mão enquanto bate um punhetão com a outra

a parte mais foda do jogo é quando entra uma velha gagá na loja, vai no banheiro cagar e depois vai embora, você fica tenso esperando o jumpscare que não vem a 30 minutos e pensa "porra é agora, essa velha vai descaralhar totalmente" mas nada acontece, ela mete um cagão e vai embora sem nem dar tchau

great little KIRA experience, as always he shows great merit on ambience and sound design. It's really worth playing, it's short after all

reminds me of school recess

literally unplayable garbage, everything feels like shit
only gave it a try because of the F.E.A.R engine and look, but it's broken beyond repair


as vezes dá vontade de tocar o zaralho e virar um pou pro resto da vida

even as a big fan of HOTD, it felt like not worth playing

it could be fun, with the shooting focus mechanics and combos, but it just isn't, it feels like shit

great experience, but when you have 7 endings to tell a story and your game is based on waiting for certain events to happen, it makes replaying exhausting

They removed all the charm and personality the OG had and made it feel like a washed up asset flip that you would buy on steam for literal cents.
the music was butchered.
The fonts, menus, UI and everything else about the game looks idiotic in some way.
The magician feels like a fan made asset.
The zombies don't have a single distinct death animation (which was a big part of work and care put into the original trilogy) and when killed they just flop around with the most stupid physics possible.
Giving away beloved franchises to mediocre third-party studios making quick and cheap cash-ins became the norm nowadays and SEGA was no different in this case.

When finally trying to revive this franchise the devs opted to trade the thought out and deliberate approach that earlier games had with their enemy placements and variations that forced the player calculate shots and prioritize targets, and instead decided to throw horde after horde of the same bland, uninspired grey zombies that swarm the screen in the dozens.

Just because you CAN put 50 enemies on screen because of new graphics capabilities does not mean that is the best for a game with a reputation for unique enemies types made to diversify the already restricted gameplay of rail shooters.

Seeing chariot and hangedman on the Unreal Engine was pretty satisfying.
However, Moon was one of the most unsatisfying boss encounters in the entire franchise. While all games have a reputation for bad voice acting, they actually had a interesting and unique way of placing dialogues in the games. Moon's voice acting on the other hand just feels abnormally bland, without any personality or even goofyness to it, it's just bad and that's it. His animations are also horrible, he feels weightless for his size and when he moves on water you can see the clipping all over and no response, no splash, no nothing coming from the water. It just clashes so much with the whole UE rendering and feel.

Also, they developed various gore effects and responses to shots on the creatures, but then scrapped it all due to censorship, effectively putting the last nail in the coffin on the most uninteresting game of this franchise.

Feels bad knowing that for some reason they think this is the best path for this franchise and future games will follow this same path seeing no one is pointing out these flaws and just acting happy that the game got attention

Almost all the movement and inventory elements from Penumbra: Overture are present in this demo, which did a good job of presenting the HPL engine 3d interactive capabilities.
It has a nice atmosphere, no wonder people liked it and it went to become the series we all know and love.
It's pretty short, and has some interesting puzzles, but the roach enemy looks like a flying turd, and has little to no presence in the duration of the demo, leaving more focus to the puzzles and map traversal.
if you're a fan of Penumbra, it's worth playing to see where and how it all started.