13 reviews liked by piropupiro

this fucked me up bad back in 2017

por favor dejen en paz a the caretaker

Profoundly upsetting that those interesting characters and this fresh reinterpretation of Disney IP's as well as amazing art direction led by Yana Toboso are all binded to such boring and lazy gameplay. Luckily for Disney and Aniplex, everything about the Twisted Wonderland universe is just compelling, charismatic and fun enough that most of its players are able to overlook its glaring flaws and stay for the visual novel and story, myself included. But if I were to rate it solely as a gacha game? I wouldn't even bother

I may have ruined it for myself by doing an impression of the voices saying stuff like "You're shit at Dark Souls" and "Nobody wants to eat your dinner" every time they started up.

i was not old enough to play this when i played this, it changed me

one little blue guy sucks and fucks his way to the top

instalei um proxy para jogar isso meu Deus foi a fase mais obscura da minha vida.

i remember being 15 and following some tumblr instructions to run the cracked version of the game and half of my system language switched to japanese, good times man good times

bro fuck this game the blond pretty boy is pretty but i wish he didn't wear what was basically a nazi outfit