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1 day

Last played

September 30, 2022

Platforms Played


I've been looking forward to The Bathhouse since Chilla's Art announced it. I'm a big fan of their games, and was so excited to play, but my PC couldn't handle the game at default settings (and this appears to be an issue many other players are complaining about). The performance did take away from my overall gameplay experience — even on default settings, my computer was struggling to run the game smoothly. I had to lower and turn off all the settings in order to play without crashing. It's a shame because the graphics in the trailer looked so nice, and I wanted to be able to see that in-game. (-1 star for performance.)

Storywise, I do feel like The Bathhouse was weaker than the past games. It didn't really get to me the way The Closing Shift did (which I think so far has been my favorite of the Chilla's Art games to be released). There are definitely parts that are unclear, like where to branch off to get the good ending, but that's par for the course from this two-brother dev team. There were also some pretty good jumpscares in this one, for sure. The Bathhouse does a good job with the J-Horror atmosphere — as we all expect from the Chilla's brothers at this point. Always a huge plus for me, because I feel like they've been able to fill in the void I've been missing when it comes to that genre of games.

In terms of gameplay, I think at first it was very unclear to me what parts of the map I could interact with. For example, some doors didn't look like places the player could enter, which made me feel really stuck at certain points. It was also pretty unclear for me where the gameplay would branch off to get the good ending, but I'm still going to give it another go. (-1 star for gameplay.)

All in all, The Bathhouse was a good few hours spent, despite the performance issues. If you want to feel J-Horror vibes, definitely pick this one up (along with the other games by Chilla's Art)!
