i love playing it and have nostalgia for it, but it's misogynist, transphobic garbage.

wandersong seems incredibly simple and wholesome upfront, and though it never entirely loses that, it gets rly interesting. it subverts gameplay and narrative expectations in clever ways without seeming above it all. it feels great, looks great, sounds GREAT, and leaves your brain and heart satisfied.


who doesn't like communist space jam?
pyre is such an interesting story, funny and tragic and hopeful at the same time. i've heard people say they wish it had more detailed world-building, but i think what's implied is stronger than straight information would be.
the music, the writing, the ui and the art are all the supergiant team's best work imo. the combat's tricky, but i think it's pretty rewarding once you get used to it.
overall a lovely and cathartic experience.

technically a polished game, with a nice running theme about job anxiety within capitalism, but that's the nicest i can really say about it.
i truly hate to say it, but it's...cringe. the writing, dialogue especially, is just so bland and twee, and the jokes never land. the art is not exactly bad, but i find it off-putting. it seems like the devs thought they could ride the wave of "wholesome queer western vn with a schtick" without putting anything interesting into it. droves of cheerful, monocultural queer people with very palatable problems is not the representation i personally am looking for.
my complaints are entirely subjective, and i know a lot of people love this game, but i think it's kinda basic at best and cynical at worst.

this game is my house. i live here. all the caves using the same map is a feature, not a bug.
in all seriousness, i think this game has one of the best story arcs out of any game i've ever played. it's a poignant drama about one rag-tag group of outsiders in one horrible, amazing city, and how they all affect each other. it's got some clumsy aspects, and they clearly ran out of time for some things, but overall it feels good to play, looks good for its time, and conveys its story spectacularly.