Log Status






Time Played

40h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 11, 2024

Platforms Played


On one hand you got one of the few games where the story actually matters and intrigues me, with good combat, interesting aesthetics, very funny and smart references to other videogames, clever and original moments and tremendously beautiful music. On the other hand, you get inmature gaming design by Yoko Taro and his team, by forcing the player to repeat half of the game more than once to see all of the endings, I got no problem with the second time because you actually get a different perspective in the story, the problem is when NOTHING changes the third time around, if I'm being honest, I speed ran it skipping almost all cut scenes to avoid spoiling the initial good impression of the story.
Also, I find Replicant to have the same problem I had with Automata, almost at the end of the first route I felt I was tremendously over powered, which makes the route B a lot faster but still I would've appreciated higher skill ceiling.

And also ending E is pure fan service but I appreciate it, I love Kainé.

At the end of the day I have a special place for both NieR Replicant and Automata, and I'm glad I was able to play through them. I'm curious about what's the next big project from Yoko Taro.