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The House of Da Vinci is a puzzle box game where you take on the role of Leonardo Da Vinci's apprentice, who must follow in his tracks to protect a valuable invention. In the titular house, you'll come across dozens of intricate woodwork contraptions all hiding clues and parts to another machine for the House. The game is level-based and the solve path is relatively linear. Some objectives about what to do next were sometimes a little obscure, but the puzzles and solutions themselves were mostly all satisfying and interesting ideas. The final stage uses some cliche puzzles and lost me a little due to some clunky controls, but The House of Da Vinci is a great start for someone just looking to tinker with some puzzles for a few hours. You aren't really here for the story or the graphics (both of which are serviceable), but the longer runtime as compared to its contemporary franchise The Room gives you a little more bang for your buck.