3 reviews liked by podunkuu

you either pull the lever and get emotionally manipulated by a crumpet cruncher or don't pull the lever and get emotionally manipulated by a crumpet cruncher

What I truly thought was a horrendous failure turned out to be a remarkable experience. Nothing more than a simple game about a young witch who merely vrooms in the sky has made me appreciate the effort that goes into projects of video games. I absolutely appreciate this masterpiece and the work that has gone into it. Comparable with the likes of Tommy Wiseau's The Room, Vroom in the night sky exudes a pure form of effort. I have only spent ten hours in the game, yet I feel like it has impacted me for my entire life. The visuals are absolutely great and show that simplicity is not laziness, rather it is a way to pour effort into other subtleties that tie the entire experience together. The controls are surprisingly smooth for how much crap this game gets. I had quite a lot of fun bouncing around in the training levels, and found myself often using tricks and boosts in order to get the fastest time possible in the main missions. I have worked to get all the achievements, though I have stopped myself from doing so as I do not ever want this game to end. While my experience with the game has not ended today, I must bring an end to this review. Vroom in the night sky was a much more pleasant experience than I ever expected. The bar was surely low, but the fact that I hold this game to such a prowess as Devil May Cry 5, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Kid Icarus Uprising, and Super Mario Galaxy truly shows how much everyone has missed out on by avoiding this game.

I know that this game is basically considered the Boogeyman in the Mother and even Nintendo community but I don't think I will ever waver from giving this game a perfect score. I will be honest though, they have a point. The encounter rate is obnoxious and the overworld and dungeon design is legitamately kind of awful, but this is one of the most charming games I've played in my life. The combat is simple but difficult enough to keep you engaged, the dialog is both funny and beautiful, the atmosphere is great, the story is excellent, and everything about this game just fills me with a sense of wonder. I am extremely biased as such a hardcore fan of the Mother series, but I just can't force myself to give this game a score under a 10.