This is a new log just in regards to Section 3, but TLDR for Sections 1+2 I thought S1 was fun, and thoroughly loved Section 2 from what I remember.

I wasn't sure how I'd feel about S3 given its setting in Undefell, which isn't an AU I really ever cared for. But since the earlier sections had won me over so much I was willing to give it a chance. I think the devs did a really nice job making this section digestible for people like myself who weren't fully familiar with or super into the AU.

That said, I think Section 2 stands out a lot more in my mind by comparison with the attention to detail in its setting and probably my pre-existing attachment to MOTHER, getting to see the DR cast interact with that whole new world.

That isn't to knock S3 at all though. the writing is just as charming and on point as before. Not to spoil anything but it was cool to see how certain twists were handled, especially in this game's "Obliteration Route." I also loved a certain hilarious surprise towards the end of this section.

I'm fully looking forward to the next section and wish RynoGG and the rest of the team nothing but good luck!

--THIS IS JUST FOR THE DEMO, hence why I haven't chosen a rating at this time.

This game is just the demo right now but god damn, I absolutely cannot wait to see this project finished. I was just expecting a prettier version of the original game but this is so much more than that. I was legitimately blown away by the spritework and animations here. All the new changes and surprises were welcome. This game is a legitimate love letter to Mother 1 and the rest of the series, rather than just seeking to "fix" Mother 1, this game stands on its own by taking what's great about the original and re-imagining it and bringing truly fantastic new additions to the table. I really cannot wait for the full game.

This game is so cute. It's simple but i thoroughly enjoyed it, strong characters and I really love how it handled its themes. For five bucks and just five hours of your time if you're going for every ending, I think its definitely worth the attention of any LGBT folks.

I had no familiarity with Endless Monday or hcnone's work prior to buying this game, but I'm definitely excited to seeing what I've missed and what they create in the future after playing this. Really loved what is here and found everything so charming. Loved Penny and all her friends/co-workers, and went out of my way to try and find every dialogue and get all the achievements. Game isnt too long, clocked in around 6 or 7 hours with all my Lumber Lass grinding and going for 100% completion.

Tiger-chan is awesome. I'd die for her.

Would only really recommend if you REALLY love the show, but its a fun little 40 minutes. Not sure its worth the $20 asking price either so I'd say wait for a sale.

That all aside, you just get to chill with Rin and its just as cozy-feeling as the show. I do think this is something that is very much enhanced by the VR. If you love the show, its worth the half hour of your evening.

I bought this game when it launched on PS4 but ended up putting it down about 3/4 of the way through. Played all the way through Miles Morales and loved that game since then. With SM2 on the way this year decided to finally go ahead with the PS5 upgrade and come back to this one and play it again from the start, getting to the end this time. I thoroughly loved this game and recaptured the fun I had swinging around NY back on the PS2 Raimi tie-in games. There's so much to do and every aspect feels so true to Spider-Man.

Everything feels very fluid and visually the game is stunning. Love the score but not sure its something I'd listen to on its own. If I had just one complaint about the game though, the random street crimes get very repetitive by the end of the game. I feel that may be the one thing stopping me from going for a platinum, though I do intend to play through the DLC stories and do almost all other side objectives. Very much looking forward to SM2.

Very cute and fun little game, especially for diehard fans of the series. Nice little references and enjoyable takes on these characters. The "puzzles" arent too deep if you're expecting something like Ace Attorney, but this just meant to be a breezy fun time more than an actual mystery game. I will say, the "THINK!" mini game was a little annoying at times when it started asking for higher ring counts, but nothing unbearable.

Overall, I love this as a treat for fans and hope to see more fun little side projects like this.

This game is pretty funny and bizarre, and quite enjoyable to play in a group. This was my first time playing. It did get somewhat repetitive after a while, but the alternate routes did help alleviate the repetitive nature. I don't think I got EVERY possible outcome, but I got more than my fill with roughly eight hours of playtime. Might be fun to revisit in a while to see what I missed. It does quite a lot with its minimal presentation.

Was hoping for more than was offered, pretty disappointing. The narrator gets kinda grating. A large number of the trolley problems don't really propose an actual moral dilemma or are contrived, and the narrator will berate you either way in most cases.

(Klonoa: Door to Phantomile)

I've wanted to get into this series for so long, so I was very happy to get this collection. Finally got around to playing Klonoa 1 all the way to the end, and did unlock the bonus level as well. I was unfortunately already aware of the ending, so that did lose some of its impact for me but still a unique and heart-wrenching ending for a game like this.

The accessibility options were nice, but I did most of my playthrough on normal. I only found myself switching to easy for the final level, due to my only main gripe with this game-- the knockback when Klonoa takes damage which I found to be frustrating. I found myself getting sent plummeting during tight platforming sections because of that knockback. I do kinda wish the game had the option to play without a life counter but keeping the default amount of hearts.

I don't think I had my mind blown like I was hoping to with this game, but I think that might be more because of how long I'd wanted to give it a try. Nonetheless, it is very charming and I love how it's a 2.5D game that takes advantage of the added z-axis. Would definitely recommend if you have any interest.

It's just a demo for now, but this game is so full of charm and I love the aesthetics. It clicked very quickly for me as a big fan of Parappa, which this game's mechanics seem to take heavy inspiration from. The animation is so full of life, and the music is pretty catchy too. It is still pretty obviously in early development, but I will definitely be keeping tabs on this game's progress. If I had one complaint, I'd say that I found myself getting lost and directionless in the game's hubworld while playing the "story" despite its short length, so maybe some arrows or map would alleviate this. I pretty much just stumbled onto Nami and McWave's segments by complete accident.

I don't often find myself getting angry at a game, but this game did it. Every interesting or cool idea the game has is wasted on it. The level design is truly atrocious and hair-tearingly unfair, even as a Sonic veteran.

Even to put all the controversy with the devs aside, this game blunders in so many mind-blowing ways. The camera during bosses is also another sore point for me, as it focuses on the player character instead of the boss itself making for an excruciating number of blindsided hits and deaths.

Don't waste your time, even for morbid curiosity.

fun enough puzzle game, though i don't find it as addicting as other puzzlers like puyo puyo or tetris.