6 reviews liked by polyethy_lena

does anyone know when this is coming to xbox

So, Zelda was not the main character?

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So, what's the message here? Don't go out and have fun? Always keep your phone on? These kind of things happen and people do feel responsible afterwards wondering if they should have done anything different. Of course, it is important to listen. And some of the options one has in what to say or do might make a difference (offer help, ask if they have thought about details) - yet, you're not responsible if someone decides to end their life! Further, that's where I have the feeling the game missed to offer an important option: Decide to stay and hang out with her once you realised she is talking suspicious stuff. Instead, the only option to save her was to decline invitations all along which is not realistic.

Woaw. 0.9/5? The game isn't really good but it isn't that bad either. It's a clean 3/5 for me.
If you can go past the over-americanization of today's games in general, like trying to make every game "family friendly" or "avoid hard subjects", or "if you are going to kill someone use a gun or do it in the background, anything else isn't allowed", or "you can't romanticize crazy behaviour", or "you can never be the bad guy, there has to be some angle or way to empathize with the main character", you could enjoy this game a lot more. And fuck off, this game is still weird because it's literally a parody of what crazy women do for their school crush, and it's still fun; There's a lot of endings and ways to play. The game it's still pretty meh because the premise is kind of stupid, but I enjoyed looking for ways to make Senpai notice me, even if it meant to poison someone to be able to rob someone else to get the key to the teacher's room to check on Senpai's itinerary to set a trap to bag him and take him home to my creepy basement.
Sorry if that hurts your baby feelings, but people irl is way crazier than that and do actual crazy things for the ones they love, like murder and torture, you don't have to understand them. And this game is a parody of that crazy behaviour, just that, it won't change how you view the world or turn you into a pedophile, wtf are you talking about?
0.9, unbelievable, fucking babies, grow up.

i don't think a game really deserves to be the lowest rated on the site because people don't like the guy who made it