Fantastic game!!! Incredibly satisfying combat, wonderful soundtrack, amazing visual design, really cool level design. Lots of stuff in hidden nooks, tons of stuff you can potentially miss. Increased my blood pressure tenfold.

Really good game with really clever writing. Combat can be easily cheesed and falls into too difficult or too drawn-out very easily. The entire last act of the game kind of soured me on the whole experience because of how oddly designed the combat was, and the story seemed unfinished. I had a bug where Fane wouldn't recognize our relationship and Lohse was convinced we were fucking LOL. Took a break for like a month before I did the final battle, and I cheesed it so I could be finished.

GODLIKE SOUNDTRACK. WONDERFUL VOICE ACTING. Combat was really fun and opens up a lot once you start mastering eikonic skills. Boss fights were very, VERY cool. I have some gripes with the writing, but I was also a mess after I finished it bc I was crying. Side quest writing is fantastic, but the way side quests are paced is just fucking awful unfortunately. I still did them all and I think it was worth it. Renown system, letter system, memory wall system, active time lore, and the thousand tomes are genius and I need every story-heavy game to have these things in them from now on please and thank you

Wow uh I've never loved and hated a game so much LMFAO. The art direction and soundtrack for this game is lovely. The open world is really cool until you get far in and realize the game is a little too big for its own good. Some boss design is confusing to me and I think that some things are reused far too often. That being said, I spent ages playing this game but I don't think I can go back and do another run from the beginning. It's just too bloated.

There's a lot to like about this game, and there are some parts of it that are INSANELY good. The game is turbo unfinished though, it shows in a lot of areas of the game, and I wish they'd had more time and maybe a bigger budget to do the good parts of this game justice. Gameplay is Pokémon gameplay so it's neat, the 'gimmick' of this generation is genuinely really cool. New gen Pokémon designs are WONDERFUL and very creative, I like the design of the NPCs. I wish there was more character customization :(

I think the main story mode in this game is BY FAR the best of the 3 in terms of gameplay, story, and music. The final sequence was very good, and the music is good as always. Multiplayer is better than Splat2 BUT the map design is way, WAY worse, to the point that it hurts. I like the addition of lockers and titles and the little card game is really fun.

This expansion has everything that I love about Splatoon: the music is good, the gameplay is fun, it has a good amount of difficulty, there's a variety of challenges, and the story and art design is good. Octo Expansion just has SO much style. It's incredibly cool. Inner Agent 3 haunts my dreams.

Uchikoshi writing at its best I think. Date is a really good protagonist who it seems like you wouldn't like on paper, but he's so charming and has a lot of endearing qualities. Date & Aiba's relationship is really touching to me and I love their banter. Somniums are a cool gameplay concept, though some of them felt a little obtuse. Some routes of this game were amazing and made me incredibly emotional but there are some parts of this game that are so unnecessary that it drags the game down, kind of. I feel weird about it because in my opinion, one of the prominent characters got way too much spotlight in comparison to another character that I think represents Date's development better, and I hate that.

Incredibly creative, good music, good art direction, INSANE STORY

Owlcat has some sort of sadist obsession with creating the worst encounters you've come across in your life, because they know other parts of the game are so good that you'll simply grit your teeth and endure them. Seriously bro what the fuck were they thinking with some of these encounters. Also the puzzles suck because of the UI. I actually liked the crusade management stuff. The story is VERY peculiar in some places, but the mythic paths I chose made it wrap up pretty nicely at the end.