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cowards use this website and give games like this a 3.5 like they are Protectors of videogaminges Honour. they will say things like this game is 'empty' and 'short' but then also say it is 'slow'. these people are full of stuff and nonsense. this game is a 5 STAR PS2 BANGER

the game is an artfully arranged series of story events that can be experienced in sequence, and each plotline can be followed from location to location allowing to to influence it OR NOT. one of the many brilliant facets of this games genius is thst all of these plots will culminate whether you choose to be a part of them OR NOT. there is a genre tag on steam called "choices matter". ostensibly choices matter to gamers, but it seems to me that the silk-bibbed gamer babies would prefer that their choices be presented as options on a dinner menu, chosen and then having the expected outcome served on a plate. WAY OF THE SAMURAI IS BETTER THAN THAT. in this game your choices matter in the way our human life Choices matter: they dont, but we make em anyway and consequences rattle out of the series of boxes and switches we futz with all day. you will fuck around too much and get killed by a bald weirdo. you may end up facing down a line of cannons with this cum-inflated bimbo. you may have to protect an innocent babe on a smoky battlefield.........

the thing is, this game is also super fun to play. the strikes have that weight to them that the modern souls fans love. big chunky sword slaps that send ketchup-thick gouts of blood flying everywhere. and its chock full of weapons all with their own move sets! and you unlock new moves by figuring "hey i bet this works", and sometimes it does! and it has this like, quasiroguelike quality where you can end your run early to store some good swords you found.....because you lose em if you die. you can even do goony shit like having aforementioned blacksmith bbygirl fix up your shit to the next level, not pay him, kill his ass, and restart! with your Next Level $hit!!

the map is small, but easy to memorize. the environments may look a little rudimentary, but they are also easily navigable especially when fights break out. to me, these aspects compliment the core Loop of memorizing where and when different events occur and Yojimbo'ing your way to different endings. i think its fair to criticize the story as being moderately generic and a rip off of a movie.....but all video game stories were rip offs of movies back then. it was the style at the time. i dont think its really fair to knock it for that when people still to this day claim Alan Wake is Good.

ultimately, i think this game is genuinely top 20 on the system. a Legit action classic. future games om the series are worth a look, but to me it never hit the lofty heights of this shit. its the video game equivalent of the best song you ever heard under 2 minutes long. meant to be looped on your tv and In Your Head