7 Reviews liked by quiescent

as an owner of a prepaid phone plan i sadly cannot play this, if anybody would be so kind as to leave your phone number down below so i can try it out i'd appreciate it (WOMEN ONLY) ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

la experiencia inicial, digamos desde que abris el juego hasta que empezas a hacer unos cuantos millones es bastante satisfactoria, es un crecimiento exponencial, pero cuando ya estas haciendo un pijollon de galletitas por segundo, tenes 500 de cada edificio y hay que esperar como 1 semana para upgradear algo por un 1% mรกs, te estancas, y el juego se cae a pedacinhos y me dio paja seguir abriendolo.
No es que sea malo o no tenga nada para hacer ya, osea el juego tiene un sistema de bolsa de acciones que apenas toquรฉ y otras giladas pero no son features de los que soy fanatico la verdad. en algunos aspectos me recuerda al plantas vs zombis, pero a nivel personal digo, jugue PvZ cuando salio y estaba enganchadisimo porque queria descubrir todo lo que el juego tenia para ofrecer y con cookie clicker volvi a sentir lo mismo en algunos momentos, supongo que en su epoca habrรก sido una especie de fenomeno en internet o algo asi, seguro que si los pibitos de ahora no estuvieran tan ocupados siendo adoctrinados en tiktok para transformar su cuerpo entero en tokens no fungibles estarian jugando cooky clicer, entienden lo que digo? me explico???

i think theres something to be said about """"review culture"""" (lets call it that for now) when a 3-min long game that reads like vent art seems to garner attention for some reason

Why do we seek to quantify something clearly very personal based on how much it resonates with us?

I think my problem is that I think people are looking at this game as they would a product. Like it needs to have some value to me, otherwise it's not "worth playing".
But I don't think "cave story sex rpg 2007" (lol) ever tried to be relatable. Its, as others have noted, similar to a page from a personal diary. So why rate it based on how much we cared about it? Do we need to care? It feels to me like that was never the point, or the intention.

Talking about this game feels like seeing a sad, personal comic online and saying that you don't relate. Or looking at a random poem on the bathroom wall and trying to critique it.

If I made such a personal game and then saw people were saying how "it didn't resonate" with them, I'd feel pretty awkward, y'know? Why would it ever?

Amazing end to the main trilogy. The last case is pure perfection. Also, Godot is my favourite prosecutor from the series, so points to that.

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Al final Little Nightmares era tremenda sorete