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Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

This is a remake of Square's first game in the long-spanning SaGa series. The three that were released in Japan were released in the States under the name Final Fantasy Legend. So, this is a remake of Final Fantasy Legend.

I was never a big fan of the SaGa games, and it seems like I'm not alone. Honestly, though, I haven't given them much of a chance. I mean, I played FFLIII, which was great, but it wasn't a very SaGa-y game. I played the first for a few hours though, and I wasn't completely turned off by it.

The thing that people really seem to dislike about the game is the fact that all of your weapons have a limited number of uses. So, if your sword runs out, you have to go and buy a new sword. Your martial arts expert ran out of Punches? Go back and buy some more. Stupid as hell, right? I can't remember anything else of interest, though. Sorry.