7 Reviews liked by rimramflexin

An immense and groundbreaking world that very nearly, but not quite, captures what it felt like to play Breath of the Wild all over again. Thinking about how all the systems that are present were made hurts my brain to think about, and to have it all work so seamlessly that it becomes easy to forget it's not just how it works naturally, it is truly an achievement.

The abundance of options gets a little overwhelming towards the end, so this is definitely not a game to rush into.

There’s too much to do…pisses me off

An open world adventure with farm plots. There's less emphasis on the farming aspect and more focus on exploring, which I did enjoy. You can set up farms on specific plots of land to ranch animals for their produce. You'll need a garden box to grow trees and plants.

The animals are cute and provide crafting materials. But that's about it. You can ask an animal in your farm to follow you, however they don't benefit from it. You cannot mount the larger animals to ride; it's a shame because you do a ton of walking in this game.

Speaking of walking....it's a lot. There is an item you can craft to fast travel to any farm you own in any of the 8 biomes. You'll have to craft one anytime you want to travel. There are also stones you can visit to fast travel but you need to be at that location. Plus the FT points aren't at any town. It's not convenient.

The barter system was fun. Some sellers will change their inventory when the day cycles. You don't have to worry about money, just trade items you no longer want.

It was fun enough to earn all achievements. The wandering back and forth put a damper on my attention span. The game really leans into the slow-moving rancher lifestyle.

I was in love with this game when I was young, every time I went home from school to have lunch I played it even if it was only for half an hour, as I had to return to school on the afternoon. Being able to customise my own kart and racer and play with it was WILD to me! The item system was also super original and a lot of fun, with different block colours indicating different types of power-up (red=attack, blue=defense, yellow=backwards trap and green=speed boost), and white tiles used to level up each item to get a more powerful or longer lasting effect. The track design was also amazing, even though they were very short there was at least one shortcut in every single racetrack (except for one), and the shortcuts were different from each other too! Some were in plain sight, others well hidden, some required a red attack item to open the entrance, others a blue defensive item and one of them even required going through a series of gates to enter a colour coded code and open a door! The only issue would be that there's only 13 tracks, so the game ends up being very short, but that was not an impediment for me to spend hours and hours playing it!

I played the shit outta this game until it was stolen by some fucking bastard I thought I could trust in college. He played zelda in smash bros too, piece of shit

The best open world game i've played in my entire life!