glad i waited 3 years to play it, night city might be one of my favorite cities on any game, it's just so beautiful to look at and just to walk and see every detail, the gunplay it's fun, the history it's entertaining, but i don't know, the last mission felt kinda meh for me, i was waiting for more set pieces, something of a bigger spectacle to end the game (?) but maybe i was setting unrealistic expectations on the game, there are a ton of side missions to do, each with their own history, so you're never gonna be bored playing this

Uncharted 2 was absolutely beautiful, the setting, the set pieces even the level designs felt awesome, definitely my favorite out of the trilogy

Uncharted 1 was boring, 3 was very underwhelming, it never reached the highs of 2, which it's a shame because i was super hyped to play it, it had some nice moments but a lot of boring and some I'll dare to say awful like the 10 minutes of just walking in the desert i know its for history purposes but come'on at that point I'll prefer a cutscene
Overall 2 was peak >>>>>> 3 was okay >>>>>>>>>>1 was boring (cool setting tho, shame it was wasted on such a boring game)