Is 25+ years enough to admit the moon episode was bad

Played on ps3 a million years ago. Will probably try it again soon in non-yellow form

Haven't really played since a month or so after launch. Want to get back into soon; easy way to reel me in would be to PUT RYOUGI IN THE GAME PLS

Only got into it after leroy/fahk sadly. It's still good but community is kinda poisoned by that + pessimism for 8 + bad online + controller wars. Probably not on the level of mobas or other online team games (not worth playing so not gonna check), but hard to get excited for tekken 7 the way TTT made me want to become a god gamer back in the ps2 (not that I ever learned to play then either...)

mute city and big blue are too good to rate this lower. even if I never win all the cups, if I have my switch and only 5 minutes to play, I am going to run thru mute city every time

This game ruled but I remember getting so pissed at the baseball minigame. No idea if it was required but I played that shit anyway. Probably still a better use of my time than shrek swamp kart