Can’t in good conscience rate a game with the twins bossfight higher than this sry

Replayed on NSO and enjoyed this way more than on Wii VC back in the day. I mustve played it using a GC analog stick or something the first time because I remember it controlling much worse than it really does. Game is mostly easy, but the exploration strikes the right balance between obscure/rewarding while rarely if ever feeling the need to write things down or look them up. Not that the latter can’t be rewarding, but the feeling of finding an item and immediately having an idea of obstacles on the other side of the world that you can get past with it is great. Super Metroid is the same way so its no surprise hacks and randomizers of both would be so popular — once youve played them its near impossible to forget “what gets me past this” so even when things are all mixed up you can always have an idea of whats next

Took me 6 years to finish but its p fun ig. Kinda was completely bored of the combat and equipment grind by the time I played a single dungeon which is not great. The towns, shrines, and memory quest were p fun. Music and visual style great. In conclusion, WW betta.

Really neat idea for a portable game and I’d say each level has just enough variety and puzzling on its required revisits to make the main quest never drag — hunting the optional treasures and music coins definitely does though and in particular makes the “getting hit makes you lose progress instead of just losing hp/dying” concept way more grating than it is thru the actual game

One of the more overhyped difficulty reputations of its era, and the gameplay not really close to megaman or contra. Music is great though and its short enough to enjoy for a quick playthru.

More memorable and unique than the first but idk if thats all good. The momentum stop when using some abilities, the slow startup on others, etc just makes feel so much worse. Exacerbated by item hunts that require animal finding, swimming, flying… I might be talking myself into a lower rating here

I mean there are worse ways to spend 30 minutes of your time. 5 stages and one of them plays the Castle Lololo/Dynablade theme.

This game is still really good don't get me wrong but I was surprised to find there were definitely ways I preferred Dream Land 1, example: double tapping to dash in Kirby is a mechanic I never liked in Kirby as walking always seemed mostly pointless with how slow it was, and it started here (later games would expand utility slightly by adding dash-exclusive copy moves, but there weren't any here so the result is a Kirby that feels way sleepier than before despite all the new moves). The initial implementation of copy abilities also seems to have come with the genesis of Kirby games' habit of having enemies not be on the screen until it's too late for you to avoid them. Presumably this is to ensure you don't hold on to one ability indefinitely or at least have to spend a little more time learning the levels to be able to do so, and it's not like it makes the game hard to complete or anything; it's still Kirby. However, in practical terms it means often getting the really fun abilities like Fireball really just results in not using them outside of bosses and single-screen rooms because you know there's too much likelihood that you'll zoom to the edge of the screen and spawn a waddle dee right next to you as you come out of the fireball, or one of those skull bombs will come on screen, fall, and explode all while you're in it. In Dream Land you didn't have these fun abilities but at least you didn't constantly feel held back. Also, swimming in this game sucks big time.

The other main issue you'll hear about with this game is the slowdown and it's pretty bad. Especially egregious before certain minibosses where it gives you a choice between Fire and Spark enemies to inhale and nothing else on the screen, and they slowdown the game every single time. It's hard to have faith in basically any of Kirby's abilities coming out when you want them to when you know that whatever is making you want to attack or jump is probably also causing the system to shit itself and drop your input. In that sense the game being easy and merely annoying is probably a good thing, though I don't really like the precedent it sets for later Kirby games (ie Triple Deluxe, which is slow without slowdown, easy, and barely even annoying -- all while clearly trying to follow the template set by this game).

Environments, music, art, minigames all heat though. Dedede's face trying to get Kirby not to use the Star Rod is hilarious. 3 hours well spent.

Really great execution of its central mystery and character arcs, probably as good or better than the original GBA trilogy. Excellent cast all around too, van Zieks putting his foot on the table is on par with Phoenix's point in terms of never getting old.

But can't give it full marks when it's often even worse about dragging and railroading you to the most obvious twist in the case possible and stopping you from presenting certain pieces of evidence or pointing out obvious lies until Ryunosuke recognizes them himself (read: when the writers decided you should be allowed to move things along instead of reading mostly fluff press dialogue). The dual testimonies/interruption mechanic is a good illustration of this, it basically asks you to press on every statement until the game gives you a free "Press A on this guy to advance the case" with an accompanying audio cue, and absolutely no room to recognize/act on things yourself or to approach that step of the trial in a different way. Also I probably prefer the original games' music though this soundtrack grew on me quite a bit over time. Still a 9/10 game though lol. I should play ghost trick

The boxing segment was the original version of those tiktoks where people talk over unrelated gameplay footage that you see all the memes abt today

Black label is definitely the better mode, it also might have the series's best music

They fixed Xen only to make it way too long. So close.

I remember thinking "wow this is crazy", but the actual game? I don't remember it at all lol

honestly I only remember the sword fighting I'm rating this based on my trust in others