12 Reviews liked by rockerLs

Had a lot of "fun" trying to get that mic to work

Kind of neat concept; everything in this feels like a throwback to 2nd tier Gamecube 3D platformers. The slight stink of jank means I may not finish it, but I want to revisit at least a few more times.

having free flying in a spyro game made me go ape shit

perfect game when i was 12, i refuse to play it again

My mom probably spent hundreds over several years buying me webkinz plushies as a kid the least I can do is rate it 5 stars

There was literally nothing going on with this game and it was great

Nice way to pass time or unwind/relax, can get boring and repetitive so I'd recommend it in bursts once you get over the initial addiction... assuming you do O.e

A great game to just waste your time

Even worse than Adventure Capitalist. I guess the gameplay is slightly better, but the core idea of the game doesn't even work. Capitalism seeks infinite growth, that's why you could make an idle game about it. What do the devs think communism is?

real faces on shtunky low-poly models will always have a special place in my heart

This is the best Elder Scrolls game. The best part of TES games is the story and lore and this game has more of that than any other TES game and it's generally good quality. The combat is weird and fiddly, but it's still much better than any other TES game.

absolutely my favorite mainline mario game, fuck you